Friday, October 31, 2008

Hawaii -----> Sydney..... FT 10 1/2 Hours

FT Means= Flight Time

WOW! What an adventure of a life time! Although I had great fun and many wonderful experiences, I am very glad to be home. Boy Oh Boy, have I built up alot of frequent flyer points! Hopefully enough for me to go back to my favourite destination- The Nile. There was so much for me to see, but unfortunately didn’t get to experience it all. Because of all the flights, I got tonnes of those little bags, with toiletries in them, maybe I can give them to some of my friends! The total of flight, up in the air was a total of……..97 Hours, and 25 Minutes!! No wonder I have jet lag! Well I hope you have enjoyed reading my travels, and maybe I have encouraged you to go and visit one of my ten destinations.
Loooooove Xanthe xx


Latitude: 34º S Longitude: 151º E

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