Friday, October 31, 2008

Botswana -----> Tanzania..... FT 3 and 1/2 Hours

Serengeti Volcanic Grasslands

I have just finished a safari through the Serengeti grasslands (part of Serengeti National Park), and How Amazing!!! It has one the highest populations of large mammals in the world! I’ve seen hundreds of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles. I have also seen lions, cheetahs and hyenas.
The land is truly beautiful. Originally formed by volcanic activity and sculpture by wind, sun and rain. There are open, flat grassy plains (long and short grasses) with scattered rocky outcrops called kopjes. It is also green and lush.
It is warm and dry there has been some light rain over the past few days. The nights are cool and noisy! I have heard hyenas laughing and lions roaring-there were even lion paw prints around our camp this morning!!!!
The Serengeti National Park is a protected habitat. Its main inhabitants, apart from the animals, are tourists. Outside the protected areas however, the short plains are facing increasing pressure for over population. More people, more farms, more grazing of cattle and large scale farms. Not all farmers have good agricultural skills and some are leaving soil infertile. This doesn’t mean the protected areas have nothing to worry about. The ecosystem is very delicate and is easily effected by drought, disease and overgrazing.


Kopjes (Rocky Outcrop)

Zebras Grazing
Longitude: 11° W Latitude: 21° N

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